July 09, 2024 | News

FIXAR Day at OSEANLAND Facility in Indonesia


What a productive time and an extremely warm welcome from our partners, Oseanland Survei Indonesia!

Recently, the FIXAR team returned from Indonesia, where showcased FIXAR solutions to professionals from 26 companies across various industries. The event drew attendees from a diverse array of sectors, such as mining, construction, plantation, forestry, consulting, energy, and government agencies, including the Public Works, Meteorology & Geophysics Agency, and Vulcanology departments.

Event Highlights:

  • Expert Insights: Industry experts shared insights on UAV technology and solutions from FIXAR and TOPODRONE
  • Live Demonstration: A live demonstration of the FIXAR 007 UAV showcased its advanced features and robust performance
  • Interactive Q&A: Participants engaged in an interactive Q&A session, gaining deeper understanding and clarifying their queries
  • Networking Opportunities: The event provided ample opportunities for networking and fostering connections among professionals from various industries

As part of this magnificent event, held at the OSENLAND Headquarters, we conducted a field demonstration featuring our flagship model, the FIXAR 007. This demonstration highlighted the UAV’s impressive performance and resilience in challenging tropical weather conditions, underscoring its capabilities and reliability.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Oseanland Survei Indonesia for their exceptional hospitality and to all participants for their enthusiastic engagement!

FIXAR Day at OSEANLAND Facility in Indonesia